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wtorek, 28 lutego 2012

Allo allo!

Today I have decided to recall (=przywołać) the cult British sitcom 'Allo, allo!'. The series was broadcast on BBC One from 1982 to 1992. The story revolves around (=kręci się wokoło) a small town café (=kawiarnia) in Nazi-occupied France during the Second World War. The town Nouvion (placed in the North of France) was robbed of its valuables (=kosztowności), among others the first cuckoo clock ever made and a painting of the Fallen Madonna by Van Klomp (also known among the fans of the series as 'The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies'). The local commandant (=komendant), Colonel Kurt Von Strohm, wishing to keep the artefacts for himself, forces the owner of the café, René Artois, to hind the painting in his bistro (=a small informal restaurant). The picture also becomes Hitler's object of desire, which leads to a series of comical events and misunderstandings (=nieporozumień). René is forced to cooperate with the Resistance (=ruch oporu) and his café becomes a hideaway (=kryjówka) for two brave but a bit lost and confused (=zdezorientowany) British airmen (=lotnicy). At the same time René tries to keep his affair (=romans) with a waitress secret from his wife, Edith (who regularly attempts at singing in the café in spite of evident lack of talent). 

Herr Otto Flick and Helga Geerhart

The series is also very interesting from linguistic point of view - four different languages (French, English, German and Italian) would have been difficult for the audience to keep up with (=nadążać). The authors of the series decided to represent each language with English spoken in a theatrical (=teatralny) foreign (=obcy) accent, which has produced a very comic effect. 
Watch a compilation of typical scenes from the series:

Do you remember the sitcom? Have you watched it?

Source of the photos : the Internet

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