A blog for my students and all English learners.

It deals with various everyday issues, news, curiosities

and things that arouse my interest every day.

poniedziałek, 30 stycznia 2012


      The name 'Acta' has been inflected for all cases by the national media. 'Acta' stands for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. It is an international document which aims at preventing the trade           of counterfeit goods. What is more, the purpose of the agreement is to introduce strict laws against copyright infringement on the Internet. The act raised a storm of protest all over the world, particularly among the youth. People are afraid that this agreement may constitute the end of freedom of speech and bring such web portals and programmes as 'Facebook', 'Twitter' 'Youtube' and 'Skype' to an end. Moreover, they argue that listening to music, watching films and sending documents to one's friends on the Internet will no longer be possible. As you may often speak about this issue at school during your English classes, here is some vocabulary for you which concerns the act.

to intlect for sth - odmieniać przez
stand for - oznaczać
counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəfɪt/ - falsyfikat
false, fake, counterfeit - fałszywy
forger, counterfeiter - fałszerz
aim at sth - mieć na celu
prevent - zapobiegać
trade - handel
agreement - zgoda, porozumienie
goods - produkty
aim, purpose - cel
introduce - wprowadzić
law - prawo
infringement  /ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/ - naruszenie
copyright - prawo autorskie
raise - wywołać
the youth - młodzi ludzie
constitute - stanowić
freedom of speech - wolność słowa
bring sth to an end - zakończyć
argue - uważać, argumentować
issue - zagadnienie
concern - dotyczyć
act - ustawa

Taking part in a demonstration

sobota, 28 stycznia 2012

Wild life a bit closer...

Doué la Fontaine zoo is an impressive biopark in Western France. The idea of this type of zoo is very appealing to me - animals live in the open with fences and nets being hardly noticeable. The zoo is home to 70 species, such as giraffes, rhinoceros, penguins, red pandas, lions and vultures. What struck me most, yet, was a dazzling show of numerous species of parrots, flying just above spectators' heads and eating goodies from the animateur's hand.   Wonderful  scenery, pens and omnipresent greenery make the park even more alluring...There is one more advantage of such splendid parks - the opportunity to take nice pictures! 
Here are some photos I took last spring :

The giraffe

Various species of parrots

The tortoise

The red panda

The pelican


The parrot

Colouful feathers

Stunning plumage

The birds approach visitors

Greenery is omnipresent there

A haze-covered cave

The hippopotamus

In the zoo there is also a restaurant with a splendid view of the run of the giraffes from a  wooden terrace and a great souvenir shop, where you can buy wooden statuettes of animals, soft toys for children and many more...

appeal - podobać się
in the open - na odkrytym terenie
fence - ogrodzenie
net - siatka
hardly - ledwo
noticeable - zauważalny
vulture - sęp
strike-struck-struck - robić wrażenie
dazzling - olśniewający
species - gatunek; gatunki
spectator - widz
goodies - smakołyki
pen - wybieg
omnipresent - wszechobecny
greenery - zieleń
alluring - urzekający
splendid - wspaniały
opportunity - okazja
plumage - opierzenie
feather - pióro
approach - zbliżać się
cave - grota
haze - mgła

Something more...
go to the zoo - iść do zoo
zookeeper - opiekun zwierząt w zoo
feed - karmić
take care of sb/sth - opiekować się
cage - klatka
run, pen - wybieg

czwartek, 26 stycznia 2012

'A citizen of the world' - Melody Gardot

Melody Gardot is an American jazz musician, a singer, composer, pianist and a guitarist, who sings in English and French. She calls herself 'a citizen of the world', though. As her mother (a photographer by profession) travelled       a lot, she was mostly brought up by her grandmother, a Polish immigrant. She started learning music when she turned nine, and as a 16 year-old             she already performed in bars in Philadelphia, singing and playing              the piano. In 2003 riding a bicycle, she was knocked down by a car.                             As a result of the accident, she suffered serious head and spinal injuries and her pelvis was broken in two places. 
Gardot was confined to her hospital bed for one year and she had to re-learn
simple everyday activities, such as walking and combing her hair. The most noticable consequence of the accident was the fact that she got hyper-sensitive to light and sound. She is often seen wearing dark sunglasses protecting her eyes. At her doctors' prompting she began her music therapy in the hospital, learning to play the guitar and composing songs. Gardot has already released two albums -
                  'Worrisome Heart' and 'My One and Only Thrill'.                                                                                                         

To my mind, her music is very mature, charming and atmospheric...
Listen to two great songs of Melody Gardot -
"Our love is easy" and "Les etoiles" :

composer - kompozytor
citizen - obywatel
to bring up - wychowywać
to knock down - potrącić
spinal - adj.; 'kręgosłupa' (e.g. injury; uraz)
pelvis - miednica
confined to bed - przykuty do łóżka
hyper-sensitive - nadwrażliwy
at sb's prompting - po namowie kogoś
therapy - terapia
worrisome - kłopotliwy
thrill - dreszcz, przyjemność
mature - dojrzały
atmospheric - nastrojowy

środa, 25 stycznia 2012

J'ai attrapé un coup de soleil ...

I heard this song about two years ago when I was living in France..."Le coup de soleil' by a French-Italian singer, Richard Cocciante,  is a song which makes me think about summer, the sun, the sea ..all the things that make one's holidays wondeful..."Tu as attrapé un coup de soleil!" is a sentence   you may often hear in France if you spend too much time sunbathing ;)         (in English - 'you've sunburnt!') This song really haunts me...whenever        I listen to it, I keep singing it all day.. ;) ...

Here is the version I heard first..the version of Camélia Jordana, a stunning participant of Pop Idol (Fr. La Nouvelle Star) :

'Attraper un coup de soleil" is definitely something my face wouldn't mind at the present time...! ;)

wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

"In Darkness" has been nominated for an Oscar!

I have just heard wonderful news... The latest Agnieszka Holland's film -"In Darkness" has been nominated to the Academy Award in the category 'Foreign Language Film'! The movie tells the story of a Pole, Leopold Socha, who during the Second World War undergoes a dramatic transformation, changing from a pilferer into   a courageous man who saves a group of Jews  from certain death. The Polish-German-Canadian cooproduction  has received very good reviews in the national end international press. The movie stars Robert Więckiewicz in the leading role, Agnieszka Grochowska, Kinga Preis, Maria Schrader and Benno Fürman. We will keep our fingers crossed for Ms. Holland and her outstanding work!

I invite you to see the trailer of the film :

Oscar vocabulary
an Oscar - ;)
a statuette - statuetka
award - nagroda
a nominee - nominowany
category - kategoria
ceremony - ceremonia
gala - a gala  /ˈɡɑːləevent 
Best Picture = the best film
motion picture = a film
Foreign Language Film - film zagraniczny (nieanglojęzyczny)
the red carpet - czerwony dywan

undergo - przechodzić
transformation = a change
save - ocalić
certain - pewna
death - śmierć
Jews - Żydzi
pilferer - złodziejaszek
courageous = brave
receive - otrzymywać
review - recenzja
press - prasa
a film stars sb - w filmie występuje
leading role - rola główna
outstanding - wspaniały
work - dzieło

niedziela, 22 stycznia 2012

Les Géants

Have you heard about 'Les Géants' in Nantes? They are huge marionettes made by a street theatre company based in Nantes, called Royal de Luxe. The group have made numerous  puppets, including a huge mechanical elephant, the Giant Little Girl, The Mexican Giant, The deep-sea Diver and the dog Xolo. Each year there are great parades organised in the streets of  Nantes. During the shows, the marionettes are operated by numerous disguised men and accompanied by a music band, which follows the puppets. It's a great opportunity for the public to see the marionettes moving, enjoy wonderful shows and spend weekends in an exceptional way.
Here are some photos which I took last May :

The Little Giant sleeping

The marionette walks very realistically

Thousands of people come to see the show

The Mexican Giant

The Giant is 9,5m tall

The Giant Elephant

People can climb the elephant

You can see the elephant all year long

Royal de Luxe have created some charming stories around the marionettes...Each character has its own story...
Watch a short film to see the Giants (the video is in French) :

The company has already performed in France, Belgium, England, Germany, Iceland, Chile, Australia, Mexico and Japan! 

géant - giant - olbrzym
marionette - marionette - marionetka
gigantesque - huge - ogromny
marionette, guignol - puppet - kukiełka, marionetka
parade - parade - pochód
 déguisé - disguised - przebrany
foule - crowd - tłum

piątek, 20 stycznia 2012

Winter vocabulary

Winter has not forgotten about us! It has shown its frosty face again..Here is some winter vocabulary for you along with my photos : 

Plants covered with snow

My cat playing with snow

The titmouse pecking at a fat ball

A pine tree covered with snow

A bird feeder among snow-covered branches 

The first snows of winter

frosty - mroźny
covered with - pokryty
titmouse - sikorka (pl. titmice)
pick (at) sth - dziobać
fat - tłuszcz
a ball - kula
a pine tree - sosna
a bird-feeder - karmnik
among - pośród
a branch - gałąź
first - pierwszy

środa, 18 stycznia 2012

Word Formation Exercise 1 - Answers

Here are the answers to the first exercise in word formation :


















wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012

Word Formation Exercise 1

Today I would like to post the first exercise in word formation. Forming nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs is often required during exams. Even though there are some general rules which can make your task easier, unfortunatelly there are many exceptions and often you need to learn words by heart.
Below you can find some words which appear frequently during exams. Your task is to complete the table with nouns (rzeczowniki), verbs (czasowniki) and adjectives (przymiotniki). Good luck!



/ ………………. (PRACODAWCA)
/ …………………. (PRACOWNIK)



……………………… (WIEDZA)






……………………… (ZŁOŚĆ)


…………………………. (PIĘKNO)

