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poniedziałek, 9 kwietnia 2012

Keith Green - 'Easter Song'

Today I'd like to recall one of the songs of an American gospel singer - Keith Green. 'Easter song' was written by Annie Herring - a member of the band 2nd Chapter of Acts. The songs tells about Jesus Christ's resurrection (=zmartwychwstanie) and joy (=radość) it raises (=wzbudza) in Christians.

Here the bells ringing (=dzwonią dzwonki)
They're singing (=śpiewają) that you can be born again (=że możesz być naraodzony na nowo)
Here the bells ringing 
They're singing christ is risen from the dead (=powstały z martwych)

The angel up on the tombstone (=na pomniku)
Said he has risen (=powstał), just as he said (=tak, jak powiedział)
Quickly now, go tell his disciples (=uczniom)
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead (=już nie jest martwy)

Joy to the word (=radość światu), he has risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah 

Hear the bells ringing 
They're singing that you can be healed right now (=możesz zostać uzdrowiony teraz)
Hear the bells ringing, they're singing 
Christ, he will reveal it now (=wyjawi to teraz)

The angels, they all surround us (=otaczają nas)
And they are ministering (=dbają o) Jesus' power (=siłę)
Quickly now, reach out (=wyciągnij ręce) and receive it (=uzyskaj ją)
For this could be your glorious hour (=godzina chwały)

Joy to the world, he has risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah, hallelujah 

The angel up on the tombstone 
Said he has risen, just as he said 
Quickly now, go tell his disciples 
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead 

Joy to the world, he has risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah 
He's risen, hallelujah 

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