A blog for my students and all English learners.

It deals with various everyday issues, news, curiosities

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wtorek, 19 kwietnia 2011

...Your own avocado tree...

Next time you eat an avocado keep the pit! Planting an avocado tree is easy and amusing!
That's how to do it step by step:
1. Halve your avocado carefully not to damage the pit inside.
2. Wash the pit, don't remove the brown seed cover.
3. Prick the pit with three to four toothpicks to a depth of about 5 mm.
4. Fill a small container with water.
5. Place your pit on the rim of the vessel. The pit should be half-submerged. The pointed side must face upwards.
6. Set the container in a well-lit place.
7. Change the water every second day.
8. The rooting and growth process will start shortly! The avocado takes several weeks to begin to root.
The brown outer layer will begin to dry out and come off. Then, the pit splits open and the tap root starts to emerge at the bottom of the pit.
8. Later, the avocado releases its first leaf-bud.
9. Your baby tree is ready to be planted! Place your plant in a pot filled with enriched soil. Make sure the top half of the seed shows. Keep the soil moist.
10. Wait for your first 'home-made' avocado fruit!
My pit.

Remember to keep it in a well-lit place.

It's splitting...

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