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poniedziałek, 9 kwietnia 2012

'Wet Monday' czyli 'Śmigus-Dyngus'

Today Roman Catholics  are celebrating Easter Monday. The day is also known in Poland as (=znany jako) 'Dingus Day' and 'Wet Monday'. In Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary traditionally men would wake up women with buckets of water (=wiadrami wody) and whip (=chłostali) them with birch or willow branches (=gałązkami brzozy lub wierzby). The custom (=zwyczaj) still exists in a little bit more gentle form - men throw a little water over (=oblewają wodą) women and  children play together with their water pistols (=pistolety na wodę)
In Australia Easter Monday is a public holiday (=święto państwowe). People take part in outdoor sporting events, such as the Oakbank Easter Racing Carnival and Australian Three Peaks Race.
In the USA celebrations of Easter Monday depend on states - the festival is particularly celebrated in Buffalo (New York), Wyandotte and Hamtramck in Michigan, La Porte in Indiana and Hanover, New Hampshire. 
As far as the UK is concerned, Easter Monday is a bank holiday (=święto państwowe) in England, Wales, Northern Ireland but not in Scotland. The most common celebrations involve egg rolling competitions (=zawody w toczeniu jaj ;), Easter bonnet (=czepki) parades, Morris dancing fairs (=jarmarki) and special sports matches

Countries where Easter Monday is an official holiday

If you want to read about a place which is associated with Easter - Easter Island, click HERE
HERE you can read more about Easter vocabulary and traditions.

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