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niedziela, 22 lipca 2012

Speed dating

Speed dating is a matchmaking event whose aim is to enable (=umożliwić) people to meet a large number of singles during a short span of time. The concept was developed by rabbi Yaccov Deyo in 1998. The first speed dating took place in Pete's Cafe in Beverly Hills in 1998. 
The 'short dates' usually last (=trwają) 3-8 minutes, after which the organizer gives a sign (e.g.rings a bell, clinks a glass) to inform the participants that they must move on to the next date. At the end of the event the participants provide the organizers with a list of daters they would like to give their contact information to. If there is a match (=zgodność), contact information is given to both sides. 

Scientists (=naukowcy) have also explored the topic. A 2005 study at the University of Pennsylvania showed that most people make their decisions within the first 3 seconds of a meeting (!). According to the researchers of a 2006 study in Edinburgh, 45% of women need as much as 30 seconds to decide whether a man is a good candidate for a boyfriend or a husband, whereas only 22% of men make their decisions so quickly...
Recently online speed dating has also been made available.

I propose watching short videos concerning speed dating!

a date - randka
a dater - randkowicz
a single -  singiel ('samotny' sounds awful!)
a candidate for a husband - kandydat na męża
Mr Right - Pan Właściwy, idealny kandydat na męża/partnera
to be well matched - pasować do siebie
to make a good/bad first impression on sb - wywrzeć na kimś dobre/złe wrażenie
love at first sight - miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia
to fall in love with sb - zakochać się
to fall in love at first sight - zakochać się od pierwszego wejrzenia
to fall head over heels in love with sb - zachochać się po uszy
a matchmaker - swat/swatka
to blab out - 'chlapnąć' coś
to colour sth - podkolorować (historię, opowieść)
to bore sb to death - przynudzać
to fascinate sb - zafascynować kogoś
to have sth in common with sb - mieć wspólne zainteresowania/pomysły 

What is your opinion about speed dating? Have you ever taken part in such speed dates? Do you think 30 seconds is enough to decide whether a man/woman would be a perfect match for us? Is a speed dating event a good place to meet one's Mr Right

Source of the photos : the Internet

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