A blog for my students and all English learners.

It deals with various everyday issues, news, curiosities

and things that arouse my interest every day.

środa, 5 października 2011

An Indian summer

That's it! The autumn has come! The summer is wonderful but it cannot last forever...unfortunately. It remains us to be glad with what we have! In my view, the autumn is, is spite of its coldness, the most beautiful season... We are sourrounded by magnificent colours, which change every day. Here is your autumn vocabulary :

Colourful leaves

Leaves turning yellow and red

In autumn we gather walnuts and apples

Sunflower seeds

Walnut shell

And that's a wonder of nature! A daisy in autumn!

Leaves falling off trees

Autumn forest with dense foliage on the floor

In autumn we need to rake dry leaves

last - trwać
unfortunately - niestety
remain - pozostawać
in my view - według mnie
in spite of - mimo
coldness - zimno
season - pora roku
surrounded - otoczony
magninicent - wspaniały
turn (red) - czerwienić się
gather - zbierać
walnut - orzech włoski
seeds - ziarenka, pestki
shell - skorupka
fall off sth - spadać z czegoś
a wonder of nature - fenomen natury
foliage - liście
dense - gęsty
floor - poszycie lasu
rake - grabić

The photos have been taken by myself.

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