I heard this song about two years ago when I was living in France..."Le coup de soleil' by a French-Italian singer, Richard Cocciante, is a song which makes me think about summer, the sun, the sea ..all the things that make one's holidays wondeful..."Tu as attrapé un coup de soleil!" is a sentence you may often hear in France if you spend too much time sunbathing ;) (in English - 'you've sunburnt!') This song really haunts me...whenever I listen to it, I keep singing it all day.. ;) ...
Here is the version I heard first..the version of Camélia Jordana, a stunning participant of Pop Idol (Fr. La Nouvelle Star) :
'Attraper un coup de soleil" is definitely something my face wouldn't mind at the present time...! ;)
Nie ma jak francuska klasyka :) Też lubię tę piosenkę...
OdpowiedzUsuń"J'ai attrapé un coup de..." et je chante encore sans cesse! ;)