A blog for my students and all English learners.

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piątek, 23 marca 2012

"Fame - I'm gonna live forever!"

Have you watched the television series 'Fame'? Today I've heard the theme song (=piosenka przewodnia) of the series, which evoked (=przywołała) lots of recollections (=wspomnienia)...The 1980s series focused on a group of students of the New York High School (=szkoła średia) for the Performing Arts (=sztuka widowiskowa). The aspiring (=początkujący) actors, dancers, musicians and singers were taught that the only way to gain (=zyskać) fame was to train hard, develop (=rozwijać) their abilities and overcome weaknesses (=przezwyciężać słabości). It seems so different from what we can observe nowadays (=w dzisiejszych czasach)! One can become a celebrity within a few days (=w przeciągu kilku dni), regardless of (=bez wzgledu na) their skills and talents...

fame - sława
artist - artysta
abilities/skills - umiejętności
performing arts - sztuka widowiskowa
talented/gifted - utalentowany

Here is the theme song :

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