A shot from a French movie 'Deux heures moins le quart avant Jesus- Christ' |
What comes to your mind when you think about antiquity?
Ancient Rome:
cesarstwo - empire
cesarstwo - empire
Rzym - Rome
starożytny - ancient
akwedukt - aqueduct /ˈækwɪdʌkt/
Juliusz Cezar - Julius Caesar
cesarz - emperor
gladiator - gladiator /ˈɡlædieɪtə(r)/
walka - fight
niewolnik - slave
pałac - castle
łaźnia - bath house
Forum Romanum - The Roman Forum /ˈfɔːrəm/
Panteon - Pantheon /ˈpænθiən/
Koloseum - The Colosseum, the Coliseum /kɔːlə'siəm/
wino - wine
karafka - carafe /kəˈræf/
kiść winogron - bunch of grapes
toga - toga, gown
toga - toga, gown
Ancient Egypt:
piramidy - pyramids
Kleopatra - Cleopatra /klio'pætrə/
Egipcjanin - Egyptian
Nil - the Nile River
Dolina Nilu - the Nile Valley
hieroglif - hieroglyph /ˈhaɪərəɡlɪf/
papierus - papyrus /pəˈpaɪrəs/
mumia - mummy
obelisk - obelisk /ˈɒbəlɪsk/
Kleopatra - Cleopatra /klio'pætrə/
Egipcjanin - Egyptian
Nil - the Nile River
Dolina Nilu - the Nile Valley
hieroglif - hieroglyph /ˈhaɪərəɡlɪf/
papierus - papyrus /pəˈpaɪrəs/
mumia - mummy
obelisk - obelisk /ˈɒbəlɪsk/
Ancient Greece:
Partenon - Parthenon /ˈpa:rθənən/
posąg - statue
posąg - statue
waza - vase
amfora - amphora /ˈæmfərə/
uczony - scholar, scientist
cywilizacja - civilization
system pisma - writing sysytem
świątynia - temple
popiersie - bust
bóg - god
bogipi - goddess /ˈɡɒdes/
Zeus - Zeus /ˈzjuːs/
Dionizos - Dionysus /ˌdaɪəˈnaɪsəs/
Do you have any suggestions for new words?
Feel free to comment.
amfora - amphora /ˈæmfərə/
uczony - scholar, scientist
cywilizacja - civilization
system pisma - writing sysytem
świątynia - temple
popiersie - bust
bóg - god
bogipi - goddess /ˈɡɒdes/
Zeus - Zeus /ˈzjuːs/
Dionizos - Dionysus /ˌdaɪəˈnaɪsəs/
Coliseum |
Ruins of the Roman Forum |
Pantheon |
Egyptian marriage |
Obelisk |
Parthenon |
Amphora |
Do you have any suggestions for new words?
Feel free to comment.
The source of the photos : the Internet
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