A blog for my students and all English learners.

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wtorek, 28 czerwca 2011

My jewellery ...

Hello. Today I am going to talk about one of my hobbies  - making jewellery. Hand-made jewellery became very popular a few years ago. Many girls and women started to get interested in this handicraft. They looked for good online shops, tried to figure out the techniques used for making earrings      or necklaces (which is not easy sometimes ;), finally wore their masterworks or sold them to their friends and family members.
Here are some photos of my pieces of jewellery:

Earrings and a pendant

A necklace and earrings

Earrings, necklace and a bracelet

A necklace

A necklace and earrings

Earrings and a necklace

Bracelet and earrings

Bracelet and earring


A bracelet and earrings

A necklace and earrings

Just a little sample ;)

So here comes some vocabulary connected with jewellery! :

jewellery - czyli oczywiście 'biżuteria'
earrings - kolczyki
necklace - naszyjnik
korale - a string of beads
bursztynowe korale - amber beads
ring - pierścionek
bracelet - bransoletka
pendant - wisiorek

Here are some words for hand-made jewellery maniacs:

hook - bigiel
ear stud - sztyft
earnut, earring back - 'baranek'
adjustable ring setting - regulowany pierścionek
bail - zawieszka
eyepin - szpilka z oczkiem
headpin - szpilka - gwoźdź
beads - koraliki
bead cap - nakładka na koralik
bead tip - łapaczka
cord ends fold over - zacisk
bead aligner - przekładka
curved bugle - wygięta rurka
round bead - okrągły koralik
component - element
cylinder screw clasp - zapięcie zakręcane
clasp bolt ring - federing
clasp lobster claw - karabińczyk
chain - łańcuszek
memory wire - drut z pamięcią
brooch - broszka
hair clip - wsuwka do włosów
crimp bead - kuleczka zaciskowa
chain link - ogniwko
loop - pętelka, kółeczko

Jeszcze słówka z początku posta:

hand-made - ręcznie-robiony
become - stać się
get interested in sth - zainteresować się czymś
handicraft - rękodzieło
look for - szukać
figure out - rozgryźć (zagadkę, tajemnicę)
wear - wore - worn - nosić
masterwork- arycydzieło
sell - sold - sold - sprzedawać

Feel free to post comments!

poniedziałek, 27 czerwca 2011

Historical periods I - AnTiQuitY - Starożytność

Hello. Today I am starting a new series of posts - historical periods. I am going to present some vocabulary connected with such periods as antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Romantic period, etc. Today the first part - Antiquity.

A shot from a French movie
'Deux heures moins le quart avant Jesus- Christ'

What comes to your mind when you think about antiquity? 

Ancient Rome:
cesarstwo - empire
Rzym - Rome
starożytny - ancient
akwedukt - aqueduct /ˈækwɪdʌkt/
Juliusz Cezar - Julius Caesar
cesarz - emperor
gladiator - gladiator /ˈɡlædieɪtə(r)/
walka - fight
niewolnik - slave
pałac - castle
łaźnia - bath house
Forum Romanum - The Roman Forum /ˈfɔːrəm/
Panteon - Pantheon /ˈpænθiən/
Koloseum - The Colosseum, the Coliseum /kɔːlə'siəm/
wino - wine
karafka - carafe /kəˈræf/
kiść winogron - bunch of grapes
toga - toga, gown

Ancient Egypt:
piramidy - pyramids
Kleopatra - Cleopatra /klio'pætrə/
Egipcjanin - Egyptian
Nil - the Nile River
Dolina Nilu - the Nile Valley
hieroglif - hieroglyph /ˈhaɪərəɡlɪf/
papierus - papyrus /pəˈpaɪrəs/
mumia - mummy
obelisk - obelisk /ˈɒbəlɪsk/ 

Ancient Greece:
Partenon - Parthenon /ˈpa:rθənən/
posąg - statue
waza - vase
amfora - amphora /ˈæmfərə/
uczony - scholar, scientist
cywilizacja - civilization
system pisma - writing sysytem
świątynia - temple
popiersie - bust
bóg - god
bogipi - goddess /ˈɡɒdes/
Zeus - Zeus  /ˈzjuːs/ 
Dionizos - Dionysus  /ˌdəˈnsəs/


Ruins of the Roman Forum


Egyptian marriage




Do you have any suggestions for new words? 
Feel free to comment.

The source of the photos : the Internet

niedziela, 26 czerwca 2011

Animal shelters...

If you dream of having your own pet, consider visiting an animal shelter. This place is a home for numerous animals, mostly cats and dogs. Most of them have been abandoned by  their owners, some got lost. Shelters are often overfilled, with lots of dogs sharing their little cages. It's really a sad view. In many countries a person who wants to adopt a cat or a dog needs to pay a special charge. It's a good solution - it's a source of funds for a shelter and also a protection against evil people who may want to hurt animals. One thing is sure - an adopted dog or a cat will be your most loving, devoted and faithful friend. It will be grateful to you for giving them a new life.
Take a look at these lovely creatures which I have found in French shelters. They are adorable!

Lovely little brown mongrel

This lovable dog has been abandoned twice!
It loves playing with its tennis ball :)

Baby cat

So cute...

Having a run outdoors

If you want to have a pet, visit a shelter first!

pet - zwierzątko domowe
shelter - schronisko
consider - rozważyć
visit - odwiedzić
numerous - liczny 
mostly - głównie
most - większość
abandon -  porzucać, opuszczać
get lost - zgubić się
overfilled - przepełniony
share - dzielić
cage - klatka
view - widok
adopt - adoptować
charge - opłata
solution - rozwiązanie
source - źródło
funds - fundusze
protection - ochrona
evil - zły
hurt - skrzywdzić
loving - kochający
devoted - oddany
faithful - wierny
grateful - wdzięczny
adorable - zachwycający
mongrel - kundel
cute - śliczny
run - bieg
outdoors -  na zewnątrz

Some of the photos come from : http://www.spa-vannes.com/

środa, 22 czerwca 2011

'127 hours'

Today I would like to present a film I have recently seen - '127 hours'. The film is based on real events. It tells a story of an adventurous, brave, outgoing but a little carefree man, Aaron. During one of his expeditions  the boy falls into a crevice. To make things worse, his hand gets completely stuck in the crack by an enormous boulder. At this point his 127 hours of suffering, pain, hope and despair start. These are also hours of reflection on his life, acts, neglected family and lost love. Aaron gets to a point where only one solution to the problem seems possible...a terrifying and inconceivable one... The film enchants with beautiful images of American landscapes, moving and deep dialogues or more often, monologues, and delicate, tactful and unpretentious discussion of the fundamental elements of a human's life - family, love, courage, passion and hope.
I invite you to see the trailer of the film - it's really well done and permits you to feel the atmosphere of the movie.

czwartek, 16 czerwca 2011


Have you heard that a very interesting astronomical phenomenon took place yesterday? It was a total lunar eclipse! A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun's rays from hitting the Moon. This can happen only when the SunEarth, and Moon are aligned exactly, with the Earth in the middle. Therefore, a lunar eclipse can only take place the night of a full moon

total lunar eclipse took place yesterday, on 15th June 2011. It could be seen over Europe and south America after sunset, over Africa and most of Asia, and Australia before sunrise.I hope you have seen it! If you missed the eclipse, don't worry - the second one will take place on 10th December 2011.
Contrary to a solar eclipse, which can only be watched from a small area of the world, a lunar eclipse may be viewed from anywhere on the night side of the Earth. It is worth noticing that a lunar eclipse lasts for a few hours, whereas a total solar eclipse lasts just for a few minutes. Watch the video to understand the phenomenon better!

phenomenon - zjawisko
take place, occur, happen - wydarzyć się
lunar eclipse - zaćmienie księżyca
total - całkowite
The Moon - księżyc
The Sun - słońce
The Earth - ziemia
pass - przechodzić
block - blokować
ray - promień
hit - dotrzeć 
aligned - ustawione w szeregu
full moon - pełnia księżyca
sunset - zachód słońca
sunrise - wschód słońca
miss - przegapić
watch, view - oglądać
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
side - strona
worth noticing - warte zauważenia
last - trwać
solar eclipse - zaćmienie słońca

The source of the photos : the Internet